Saturday, July 12, 2008

Health and Beauty with Tomato

Seen from history, tomato which is Latin language referred as Lycopesicum Esculentum beginning found in Peru. Tomato represent fruit which do not know season. In tomato there is immeasurable of worthwhile nutrition and good for beauty and health. tomato can cure to weaken lust and improve the amount of sperm. Tomato also very effective for masker able to eliminate to know benefit any kind of given by tomato for health?

Benefit Tomato in fact have been long enough in research. One who check first time scientifically for health is DR.John Cook Bennet of Wiloughby University in Ohio at November 1834. Researching into to be continued in Rowett Research Institute,Aberdeen,Scotland. Here by all researcher found that rust colored gel which cover up tomato seed can prevent the happening of cloting and coagulation of blood becoming cause of heart sickness and stroke.Red pigment at tomato in the reality also have value more for healthy.Pigment it contain Lycopene that is a compound anti oxidation able to break free radical in body effect of cigarette, ultra violet ray and pollution. Besides Lycopene also good for assisting to prevent damage of cell resulting cancer.Consuming tomato better be cooked beforehand. The fomentation as according to Research of FAO and of WHO.

Under this represent some of benefit of tomato :
  1. Assisting to degrade heart trouble risk
  2. Eliminating fatigue and add passion eat
  3. Pursuing growth of cancer cell
  4. Slowing down degradation of eye function because influence of age
  5. Lessening risk chafe intestine infection
  6. Assisting to keep and good health liver, kidney, and prevent difficulty defecate
  7. Eliminating pimple
  8. Curing diarrhoea
  9. Overcoming fatness